Reorder sentence correctly please fast

Reorder sentence correctly please fast Dark night... Jungle.„.sounds of footsteps....followed behind .shocked to see. 6. Rearrange the f0UOWirW words and phrases to form sentences. A )Em0tionaI state/ anger/ accompanied/is an/biological b )Disability/ common/ Congenital/ a/ it/ isßhysical. ) Eiery/entire/ is/ thé/ cosråos/ changing/ moment. The following passage has not been edited. There is an against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect w nswer sheet against the blank a

C) The entire cosmos is changing every moment
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Please take a better photo because the first question is not clearly seen.

B) It is a common congenital physical disability.
C) The entire cosmos is changing every moment.

Hope I helped. =)
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This is ok?

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