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Dear Student,

(a) general expression of E. Potential due to a dipoleV=14πε0pcosθr2at axial point   θ=0or, Va=p4πε0r2

(b)  Electrical force is directed from A to B  thus work done= FdS= W (say)
while moving from B to A dS= -tive now or work done=-W
​since the field is uniform, and it is conservative we have
ratio of work done A-B and work done B-A= -1

 We have electric field E=-Vx  ie- gradient of potentialin other words, E=-Potentialdifference between two lines or density of PotentialThus for Electric Field to be greater while Potential is same, we need to have seperation between them very small.

(d) The following graph can be visualised as following

V=slope×x    where x=1rfor a +tive charge we have V=kQrKQ1r+tive slope × xfor -tive charge  V=-tive slope × xalso slope  Q ( magnitude of charge )  as K=constantfrom the graph we can see, Q1 has positive slope thus its +tively chargedQ2 is -tively chargedalso slope of Q2>Q1  thus magnitude of Q2 is greater



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