Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make necessary changes without changing the meaning of any of the sentence.

1. The thieves ran away when they heard the dogs bark. (Begin: Hearing)2. Only the poor deserve the relief. (Begin: None)3. If you eat more, you will become sick. (Begin: The more)4. The teachers did not approve the mischief of the students.( Change the voice)5. All hope the Summit will bring a relief to global warming.(Begin: It )

6. If I were you, Graham, I would call the doctor. (Begin: He advised)7. That he achieved the goal gladdened him. (Use: the noun form achieve)8. Though there was heavy security the mob looted the shops. (Begin: Despite)9. I have never seen such a savage spectacle. (Begin: Never before.)10. Gita said, Mohan, unless you catch a taxi, you will not reach Chennai today.11. (Change into Reported speech)Question 2Fill in the blanks with the apt form of the verb given in brackets1. All the boys [gather] in the school hall before the guest.. [arrive].2. He [feel] hungry because he .. [not eat] anything for many hours.3. The fire. [spread] to the next house before the fire brigade . [arrive].4. Rajan ..[work]in the company for a number of years before he [force] to quit.5. He (shout) at the children, when I ..(enter) his house.Question 3Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:1. A place of worship should promote an air spirituality peace.2. Robert has been suffering influenza since last week.3. He went out . meet his friend..4. The political leaders take a different stand this issue.5. James insists . an apology for the misbehaviour.

1. Hearing the dogs barking, the theives ran away.

2. None but the poor deserve the relief.

3. The more you eat, the more sick will you become.

4.The mischief of the students was not approved by the teachers.

5. It is hoped by all that the Summit will bring relief to global warming.

6. He advised Graham to call the doctor.

7. His achievment of the hoal gladdened him.

8. Despite the heavy securities, the mob looted the shops.

9. Never before had I seen such a savage spectacle.

10. Gita told Mohan that if he didn't catch a taxi, he would not reach Chennai that day.

Question2 :- 1. had gathered, arrived

2. felt , had not eaten

3. had spread

4. had worked , was forced

5 was shouting, entered

Question 3:- 1. of

2. from

3. to

4. on

5. to

  • 15
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