Rewrite the sentences with the correct subject - verb agreement.
  1. Monika and her sister is at school.
  2. The man who saved the drowning boy live in the house around the corner.
  3. Mathematics are Meena's favourite subjects.
  4. Everybody in the class have submitted the assignment.
  5. None of Aman's friend were interested in going for the movie.
  6. Mithiya's dogs bark when they are hungry.
  7. Many students has answered the questions correctly.
  8. Hundred meters are a long distance to swim for a novice swimmer.

Dear Student,

  1. Monika and her sister are at school.
  2. The man who saved the drowning boy lives in the house around the corner.
  3. Mathematics is Meena's favourite subject.
  4. Everybody in the class has submitted the assignment.
  5. None of Aman's friend was interested in going for the movie.
  6. Mithiya's dogs bark when they are hungry.
  7. Many students have answered the questions correctly.
  8. Hundred meters is a long distance to swim for a novice swimmer.
Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.
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