Ritesh, student of class 10, is preparing a replica of kite for decoration which is Half of
the original kite. In original kite AO=BO=OF=OE=8cm. Triangle ABF is made of red colour
paper while other Triangle AEF is made of Yellow colour paper. On the basis of the information
and properties of geometrical figure answer the following questions.
(A). Identify Angle AOB?
(i) Right Angle
(ii) Obtuse Angle
(iii) Acute Angle
(iv) Scalene Triangle
(B). If AO:HN=2:1 and OB:NI =2:1 then what should be AB:HI , so that triangle AOB is similar
to triangle HNI ?
(i) 1:2
(ii) 4:1
(iii) 1:4
(iv) 2:1
(C). What is length of HI?
(i) 4√2 cm
(ii) 8√2 cm
(iii) 2√2 cm
(iv) None of these
(D).Calculate the area of triangle HMI if area of triangle ABE is 64 sq cm?
(i) 16 sq cm
(ii) 32 sq cm
(iii) 8 sq cm
(iv) 64 sq cm
(E). In a triangle, if the square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two
sides, then the angle opposite to the first side is a right angle. This theorem is called -
(i) Pythagoras theorem
(ii) Thales theorem
(iii) Converse of Thales theorem
(iv) Converse of Pythagoras theorem


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