Rubbing sandpaper on iron nail is an example for   

 (a) Chemical change (b) Reversible change (c) Physical and irreversible change (d) Can't say

Dear Student,

When sand paper is rubbed on the iron nail, the layer of iron oxide or rust is removed from the surface of the iron nail. Here, there is only removal of oxide layer and so no new substance is formed in this case. Therefore it is a physical change.

Moreover, this oxide layer removed cannot be pasted back or the same removed layer will not be obtained back on the iron nail and so this is irreversible change.

Therefore the correct option is (c) Physical and irreversible change.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic. If you have any other doubts, just post it on the forum and our experts will help you out as soon as possible.


  • 1
c is right
  • 1
physical and irreversible change
  • 2
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