salils age is 23 years more than half of the sangram's age. Five years ago,the sum of their ages was 55 years. Find their present ages .


So Sahil's age is 65 years and Sangal's age is 84 years

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Hello Anup dear, let x be the number of males. 
So number of females will be 50000 - x
Now male population after one year = x * 105/100
And female population = (50000 - x) * 103/100
Total population = (105 x - 103 x + 103 * 50000) /100
==> (2 x + 103 * 50000 )/100 = 52020
===> 2 x = 5202000 - 5150000 = 52000
Thus x = 26000
Hence males in the previous year = 26000
And females = 24000
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Hello Anup dear, let x be the number of males. 
So number of females will be 50000 - x
Now male population after one year = x * 105/100
And female population = (50000 - x) * 103/100
Total population = (105 x - 103 x + 103 * 50000) /100
==> (2 x + 103 * 50000 )/100 = 52020
===> 2 x = 5202000 - 5150000 = 52000
Thus x = 26000
Hence males in the previous year = 26000
And females = 24000
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Hi Anup dear, I have answered your question related to the population. But due to closure of the doors I have made entry through this question
Okay now let us the present question
Let Sangram's age be x
So Salils age will be x/2 + 23
Five years ago their age were x - 5 and x/2 + 18 respectively
It is given that the sum of their ages before 5 years was 55
==> x - 5 + x/2 + 18 = 55
==> 3x/2 = 42
So x = 28
Sangram's age at present = 28
And that of Salils's = 37
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What are you looking for?