Sarojas collection of stamps are 25% more than that of Sarita. How much per cent is Saritas collection less than sarojas collection

Let the no. of stamps with Sarita = 100
no. of stamps with Saroj = 100 + 25% of 100 = 125
Sarita's collection is 25 less than Saroj's collection, when Saroj's collection is 125

now, in percentage, 25125×100% = 20%
so, Sarita's collection is 20% less than Saroj's collection.

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let shariat have 100 stamps

then anita has 125 stamps (100%+25%)

when anita has 125 stampss then shariat has 100 stamps

when anita has 100 stamps then shariat has 100/125

percentage of stamps of shariat less than that of anita = (100/125 x25)% = 20 %

therefore shariats collection is 20 % less than anitas collection

hope it helps u

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