Science questions basically from different chapters

Science questions basically from different chapters 21 _ 22 23. t,) Oseasestbat with of sunz• can nod Pick add i) Race-Ia. B/a•si'ea, Marchmia F / r,aria Salarnar,der, Exölam c/ it State S an energy Of mass been raised a raight •h' from the grout-c A o' mass 20k" s 10 gy to find its it the g Define o' a S Of TWO ChikfinAand B 32kg stat dimbirV up a f ope reach a heigt-Y A 20s to thN the A E by a) Illustrate Rutherfcrd's experiment d an atom 617 its IIWstrate of BOW to explan d ar atom, Identity the e!ectronic Ü'fvabon md number cd gresert in the atcrn repre•æ-ted by 1 3 X With the he$) Of a labelled •Sagram, show a) Nitrc:gen n*ure b) Descnbe briefly two OR With the help a Iatplied name xett* ways in Which cartmd•onde is fixed emvircnrnent.

Dear Student,
Due to the paucity of time, we can solve all your queries, so post different queries in different threads in which you are having the problem.
For the answer to question 23, click to the link below, which will provide you with enough information regarding Potential Energy. 



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