sexual reproduction is considered superior than asexual reproductin in terms of evolution give reasons

sexual reproduction is considered as superior in terms of evolution because sexual eporoduction leads to more variation when compared to asexual reprouction.

this is beacuase axexual reproduction involves the reproduction by only one parent so the transfer of genes happens from only 1 littele or no variation takes place.

while in sexual reproduction it in volves 2 parents so the tansfer gene takes place from 2 parents leaing to more variation...this variatin in turn leads to evlution


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it is because sexual reproduction brings variation which accumulates in million of years and lead to the evolution of a new species.

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In asexual reproductionn the offsprings are almost identical to their parent because they have the same genes as of their parents. Thus, genetic variation is not possible or is slow in asexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction involves fusion of male and female gametes coming from both the parents. This is because the offsprings receive some genes from mother and some from father.The mixing of these genes of mother and father in various different combinations, results in the offsprings having genetic variation.

Thus, we conclude that sexual reproduction promotes diversity of charecters in offsprings by providing genetic variation. This genetic variation leads to continuous evolution of various species to form better and still better organisms.

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