SF6 is not easily hydrolysed whereas SF4 is easily hydrolysed...why...???

 Due to steric reasons SF6 is exceptionally stable and thus hinders the attack of water molecules.

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In SF6 sulpher is surrounded by 6 atom whereas in SF4 it is by 4 atom, when we hydrolysed both compound then in case of SF6 water molecual find very less gap to attack on central atom, hence it is not easily  hydrolysed.

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In SF6 sulpher is surrounded by 6 atom whereas in SF4 it is by 4 atom, when we hydrolysed both compound then in case of SF6 water molecual find very less gap to attack on central atom, hence it is not easily  hydrolysed.

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Because sf6 is highly stablized with d2sp3 configuration and fullyfilled d orbitals so on hydrolysis the incoming e doesntfind space to attach to sf6... But in sf4 it have vacant d orbitals and it can easily go hydrolysis
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In SF6 sulpher is surrounded by 6 atom whereas in SF4 it is by 4 atom, when we hydrolysed both compound then in case of SF6 water molecual find very less gap to attack on central atom, hence it is not easily hydrolysed
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In SF6 sulpher is surrounded by 6 atom whereas in SF4 it is by 4 atom, when we hydrolysed both compound then in case of SF6 water molecual find very less gap to attack on central atom, hence it is not easily hydrolysed.
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S atom in SF4 is not sterically protected as it is surrounded by only four F atoms. So attack of water. Molecules can take place easily. In contrast S atom in SF6 is protected by six F atom.. Thus attack by water molecules cannot take place
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assertion:sf6 cannot be hydrolysed but sf4 can be 
reason:six f atom in sf6 prevent the attack of h2o on sulphur atom of sf6
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S atom in SF4 is surrounded by only 4 Fluorine atoms whereas in SF6 the S atom is surrounded by 6 Fluorine atom.Due to highly stabilized of sp3 d2 configuration in SF6 the water molecules find less gap to attack on central atom.On the other hand in SF4 due to low stability the water molecules attack on central atom . That's why SF4 is easily hydrolysed but SF6 is not hydrolysed.
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Due to unpaired electrons in the 3p orbitals and hence it exhibits paramagnetic character...
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