Shadow are misleading as they do not give accurate information about the colour and shape of an object . Justif?


Shadows are formed by the opaque or semi-opaque bodies when the light falling on them cannot pass through them to the other side.
Therefore, a dark spot is formed on the other side of the body.
Now, shadows are often misleading because,
- Shadows do not give the clarity on the size of an object (due to which a shadow is formed).
- It also provides misleading imagery of the shape of that object.
- Also, the position of the object with respect to its shadow or the source of light cannot be deduced by analysing the shadow.
Thus, one may get confused about the size, shape and position of the body due to its shadow.

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At times, shadows can be misleading.

shadow is usually formed when an opaque or a semi-opaque body intervenes a light source and it cannot pass on to the other side. ... They can be misleading at times because the exact shape, size, and position of an object may not be known from a shadow.
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Hope It will help you.
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At times, shadows can be misleading.

A shadow is usually formed when an opaque or a semi-opaque body intervenes a light source and it cannot pass on to the other side.

Hence, a dark spot falls on the other side of the object.

They can be misleading at times because the exact shape, size, and position of an object may not be known from a shadow.

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