"Sharing and caring"can add a lot of meaning or one's life. Discuss this in the light of the Giant's role in the story
From supplemantry reader English class 8th Ch-3 The selfish gaint

Dear Student

The Giant was selfish and didn't let anyone play in his garden as the garden was covered with winter. But when the Giant realised his mistake for not letting anyone play in his garden he felt sad. Once he saw a small boy who was trying to climb the tree covered in winter but he couldn't, So the giant helped him to climb it. The Giant waited for the boy every year however the small boy didn't come to play in his garden again and that made the Giant felt sad. One night the Giant saw a glowing tree with silver fruits he thought that the small boy had come to visit him. when he went near the tree he saw an angel who was the small boy he helped and the angel took him to paradise which changed his life. So Sharing and caring can add a lot of meaning or one's life.



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