Short note of the administration under Delhi sultanate

Administration under Early Turkish Rulers:
1.  The strengthening of the kingdom demanded trustworthy administrators.
2.  Instead of appointing lords and landowning chiefs as governors, the early Delhi Sultans, particularly Iltutmish, preferred their special slaves (bandagan in Persian) obtained for military service.
3.  They were trained in such a way to manage the offices of the kingdom wisely.
4.  As they are slaves, they were completely at the mercy of the Sultans and hence the Sultans believed them.

Administration under Alauddin Khalji:
  1. The valuation and collection of land revenue was brought directly under the control of Alauddin Khalji during his period whereas the same was done earlier by military commanders (muqti).
  2. The rights of the chieftains to charge taxes became invalid and they were also bound to pay taxes.
  3. The chieftains also worked as inspectors and revenue collectors under the Sultanate.
  4. They mainly collected taxes on
    1. Houses
    2. farming called ‘kharaj’ and an amount equal to 50 per cent of the yield
    3. cattle
However the Sultans could not directly control the far away states like Bengal from Delhi. Hence the local chiefs started ruling these regions.

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