Show That a liquid exerts pressure on the walls of the container

Take an emty plastic bottle and make 4 holes at the same heights on different sides.Fill the bottle with water,We can see that water rushes out through all the holes with equal pressure.This simple activity shows that liquid exert equal pressure on the walls of the container at a certain depth

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  • 35

 Take an emty plastic bottle and make 4 holes at the same heights on different sides.Fill the bottle with water,We can see that water rushes out through all the holes with equal pressure.This simple activity shows that liquid exert equal pressur e on the walls of the container at a certain depth

its the bst giv ur fedba

  • 6

Take an emty plastic bottle and make 4 holes at the same heights on different sides.Fill the bottle with water,We can see that water rushes out through all the holes with equal pressure.This simple activity shows that liquid exert equal pressur e on the walls of the container at a certain depth

  • -4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Take a discarded water bottle . Make holes of equal diameter . But it should be small in size . Fill the bottle with water . you will see that water comes out in equal pressure .This shows that air exerts pressure on the walls of the container.                                                                                               
  • -5
A liquid exerts pressure on the wall of the container plz show the result
  • -2
  • -6
Take a plastic bottle. You can take a discarded water or soft drink bottle. Fill a cylindrical glass tube. You can do so by slightly heating one end of the glass tube and then quickly inserting it near the bottom of the bottle. Make sure That the water does not leak from the joint. If There is any leakage, seal it with molten wax. Cover the mouth of the glass tube with A thin rubber sheet. Now fill the bottle up to half with water. You observe that the rubber sheet fix to the glass tube bulb this time. Put some more water and you will see the rubber sheet bulge once again. This indicates that water exerts pressure on the sides of the container. Thanks .. Hope you like the answer...
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Take an emty plastic bottle and make 4 holes at the same heights on different sides.Fill the bottle with water,We can see that water rushes out through all the holes with equal pressure.This simple activity shows that liquid exert equal pressure on the walls of the container at a certain depth
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First we have take a bottle and hole in it at different depth in vertical order. Then fill water in it then . Then you will see that water that is coming out from the higher depth is low but water that is coming out from the lower depth is higher then the other. This because the more the height , pressure is low but the less the height, the more the pressure. Formulae for this is , P = hρg (Pressure = Height/Depth of the liquid X Density of the liquid X Gravitational pull (9.81m/s)).

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