show that the equation x^2 +y^2-2x-2ay-8=0 represents for different values of a ,a system of circle passing through two fixed points a b on the x axis and find the equation of that circle of the system  the tangents to which at A,B meet on the line x+2y+5=0

Dear student

The given equation can be written as


Hence this represents a system of circles, for different values of a, with centre (1,a) and radius of a2+9
This circle will pass through two points on x-axis A and B, which we can get by putting y =0


So the two fixed points are A and B as (4,0) and (-2,0)

The slope of the tangent of the circle is given by differentiating the eqn

2x-1+2y-adydx=0dydx=x-1a-yNow, dydx4,0 = 3aNow, dydx-2,0 = -3a

So the equation of tangents to circle at A and B - (4,0) and (-2,0) are


The above two lines intersect at (1,-9/a)

As the tangents meet on the line x+2y+5=0

    1+2×-9a+5=018a=6a=3Hence the equation of the system of the circle becomesx-12+y-32=18


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pls answer fast
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