Show with the help of sketch that the plants are the ultimate source of food.


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All green plants are autotrophic,meaning they can prepare their own food. They are also known as autotrophs. They prepare the food by the process known as photosynthesis. During photosynthesis they need CO2,H2O,sunlight and chloroplyll, which are present in the atmosphere. So, plants can synthesis food every time. Thus, they are ultimate source of food. In fact all humans and animals are all dependent on plants for food directly or indirectly, because animals and humans are heterotrophs, i.e. can't prepare their own food.

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This sketch shows that plants are the ultimate source of food. You can also give an example of a FOOD CHAIN.
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Dear friend
You can go through the particular chapter of the subject and check for your answer
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  1. Solar energy   
       2.Green plants

          eaten by
          eaten by

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this is a food chain
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Here is answer.

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This question cannot be accepted as other than plants, many small organisms are autotrophs like small bacterias and planktons. All of these use solar energy, so this tells that not plants but sun is a. unique source of energy . so, sunlight : autotrophs : heterotrophs.
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solar energy > green plants > herbivores > carnivores > decomposers
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All green plants are autotrophic,meaning they can prepare their own food. They are also known as autotrophs. They prepare the food by the process known as photosynthesis. During photosynthesis they need CO2,H2O,sunlight and chloroplyll, which are present in the atmosphere. So, plants can synthesis food every time. Thus, they are ultimate source of food. In fact all humans and animals are all dependent on plants for food directly or indirectly, because animals and humans are heterotrophs, i.e. can't prepare their own food.
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you can do it on your own
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the plant is a source of food
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it is in lakhmir singh textbook
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Solar energy - Green plants - Herbivores - Carnivores - Decomposers
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where are ucharansthan in sanskrit?

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The following figure shows a food chain, which shows that the plants are the ultimate source of food. food chain
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animals and humans are dependent on plants for their food that's why plants are ultimate source of food.
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On your own
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No I can't
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Please find this answer

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Hope this will answer ur question.
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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Nutrition ...CHEERS
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Jun de de ki
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no i cant
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Plant -- Grasshopper --frog -- snake -- Lion.
According to food chain Grasshopper is directly dependent on plants whereas frog,snake and lion are indirectly depend on plants .

If plants do not exist then grasshopper do not exist and frog,snake and lion also not exist .

That is why plants are known as ultimate source of and .

And sorry for not explaining you with sketch .
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this is your answer and plzz send me friend request
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R d saraswati of the most of my mobile
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The Food Chain shows that the plant is the ultimate producer. Only plant can produce food and rest of other organisms are directly or indirectly dependent on it.
This is a sketch of the Food Chain.
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Refer to this
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that's the solution
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go to concepts
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abe koyi free not diagram drawing keliye.did you understand
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We have do it and show it
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how can we show the picture
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Four type of heterotrophic narration
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I can't understand your question.
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Please find this answer

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Plant -- Grasshopper --frog -- snake -- Lion.
According to food chain Grasshopper is directly dependent on plants whereas frog,snake and lion are indirectly depend on plants .

If plants do not exist then grasshopper do not exist and frog,snake and lion also not exist .

That is why plants are known as ultimate source of and .

And sorry for not explaining you with sketch .
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Please find this answer

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This sketch shows that plants are the ultimate source of food. You can also give an example of a FOOD CHAIN
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where are ucharansthan in sanskrit?
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Acute conditions are severe and sudden in onset. This could describe anything from a broken bone to an asthma attack. A chronic condition, by contrast is a long-developing syndrome, such as osteoporosis or asthma. Note that osteoporosis, a chronic condition, may cause a broken bone, an acute condition. An acute asthma attack occurs in the midst of the chronic disease of asthma. Acute conditions, such as a first asthma attack, may lead to a chronic syndrome if untreated...
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Proteins are building blocks of our body and are used to maintain many important processes. They are found in variety of foods like meat, cheese, milk, egg etc. It is used for following?important functions in our body.It is important for repairing and maintaining body.It is used as the source of energy.Some important hormones (chemical messengers)?in our body are made up of proteins that are used in various body functions. For example, insulin hormone is also a protein.Enzymes that are very important for many reactions in our body are also proteins.Proteins are also used to transport and storage of molecules.?
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