sigma k=1 to n (2k-1)whole square = n(2n-1)(2n+1)/3

to prove the above result by mathematical induction method, we will follow three steps:
step1: let us prove the result for n=1
k=11 (2k-1)2=1 RHS=1*(2-1)*(2+1)3=1
thus the result is true for n =1
step 2: 
let us assume that result holds for n = p
thereforek=1p(2k-1)2=p(2p-1)(2p+1)3 ..........(1)
now with the help of assumption, we will prove that result is true for n = p+1
k=1p+1 (2k-1)2=k=1p (2k-1)2+[2(p+1)-1]2 =p(2p-1)(2p+1)3+2p+12=(2p+1).p(2p-1)3+(2p+1)=(2p+1)3.2p2-p+6p+3=(2p+1)3.2p2+5p+3=(2p+1)3.2p2+2p+3p+3

thus the result holds for n = p+1
therefore result is true for all integer values of n

hope this helps you

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