Simplify -

1. (4/7)raised to power 5 multiplied by (-2/3) raised to power 4

4/9 multiplied by (4/7) raised to power 3


1. (4/7)5 x (-2/3)4= (4)5 / (7)5 x (-2)4 / (3)4 = (4x4x4x4x4) / (7x7x7x7x7) x (-2x-2x-2x-2) / (3x3x3x3)

   = 1024 / 16807 x 16 / 81 = 1024 x 16 / 16807 x 81 = 16384 / 1361367 = 0.012.

Ans: 16384 / 1361367 = 0.012.

2. 4/9 x (4/7)3 = 4/9 x (4)3 / (7)3 = 4/9 x (4x4x4) / (7x7x7) = 4/9 x 64 / 373 = 256/3087 = 0.083.

Ans: 256/3087 = 0.083.

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