simplify: 5a square  whole cube

Dear student
We have,5a23=53a23   As xyn=xnyn=125a6    As amn=amn

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It is as follows-
(5a2)3 = ?
Now in exponents, exponents above brackets, distributes itself among the numbers or variables. It is only possible when sign is multiply or divide. In case of addition like this one - ((x+2)(x+3))2 = (x+2)2(x+3)2
53(a2)3, now we will apply law of indices (You may directly multiply them)
= 53(a2a2a2)
= 53(a2+2+2)
= 53a6
Now normal multiplication
= 5 x 5 x 5 x a6
= 15 x 5 x a6
= 125a6
Therefore 125a​6 is the answer
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125a to the power 6
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