Sir/ma'am plz answer this question

Sir/ma'am plz answer this question out the range and the coeffCient Of the following data-set Fj,d out quartile deviation and the coefficient of quartile deviation of the series. (Ans. R = '10, 82, 110, 100, 150, 150, 200, 116, 250 Given the following data, estimate the coefficient of QD: (Ans. QD = 40. 15, 20, 23, 23, 25, 25, 27, 40. (Ans. Coefficient of QO = Find out mean deviation of the following series from mean and median-. Size Frequency 12 10 31 (Ans. Calculate mean deviation and coefficient of mean deviation with the help of mediam Class Interval +equency 10-20 19 20-30 14 20 18

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