Sir/Madam can you please solve question no. 13

Sir/Madam can you please solve question no. 13 circumference is 44 m. Find the cost of paving the road at 10 per m2. (ICSE) 13. A lawn is in the shape of a semi-circle of diameter 35 dm. The lawn is surrounded by a flower bedof width 3.5 dm all round. Find the area of the flower bed in dm2. 14. Ar (ICSD s a circular park

Given: CD diameter,d=35 dmSo,Radiusr=d2=352 dmAlso, it is given that DB=3.5 dmSo, ABd=AC+CD+DB=3.5+35+3.5dm=42 dmSo, r=422=21 dmArea of flower bed=Area of semicircle AEB-area of semicircle CFD=12×227×21×21 -12×227×352×352=693-19254=693-481.25=211.75 dm2Note:Area of semicircle=πr22, where r is the radius of circle


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