sir what will be derivation for collision equation

Let  two balls P and Q of masses m1 and m2 are moving along the same straight line with velocities u1 and u2 respectively.
When u1​ > u2 , relative velocity of approach before collision is

Let the collision is perfectly elastic. If v1 be the velocity of A after collision and v2 be the velocity of B after collision., Then, relative velocity of separation after the collision is
Linear momentum of two ball before collision=m1u1+m2u2Linear momentum of two balls after the collision=m1v1+m2v2From the principle of conservation of linear momentum we havem1u1+m2u2=m1v1+m2v2     .....1m2v2-u2=m1u1-v1     .....2Similarly from the conservation of kinetic energy, we have12m1v12+12m2v22=12m1u12+12m2u22m2v22-u22=m1u12-v12     .....3Dividing 2 by 1 we getv2-v1=u1-u2v2=u1-u2+v1     .....4By putting this value in 1, we getm1v1+m2u1-u2+v1=m1u1+m2u2v1m1+m2=m1-m2u1+2m2u2v1=m1-m2u1m1+m2+2m2u2m1+m2     .....5By putting the value of v1 in 4, we getv2=u1-u2+m1-m2u1m1+m2+2m2u2m1+m2v2=2m1u1m1+m2+m2-m1u2m1+m2     .....6 Equations 1, 2, 3, 4 are called collision equations and equations 5 and 6 gives the velocity in collision.

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