Sketch the character of the young seagull?

Dear Student,
  • It was afraid to fly
  • The seagull was shamed and disheartened that he could not fly 
  • It could not gather courage to trust his own wings
  • The little creature was sad when he saw his siblings flying.
  • It was called a coward
  • It was also isolated by parents
  • It was starving for food as he couldn't fly and get his own food.

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The young seagull was very afraid of flying. He was afraid of flying. Whenever he move forward for cliff to jump he back off on watching down the cliff. He was very afraid of falling down the cliff. The young seagull just need motivation to jump of the cliss which his mother gave him by baiting a piece of fish and making him fall from cliff. His fear become excitement when he started flying.

Hope u like it bro
By the way how could we make friends?
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