Solve 73 plzz

73. The enthalpies of solution of anhydrous CuSO4 and CuSO4·5H2O are –15.89 and 2.80 k cal mol–1 respectively. The enthalpy of hydration of CuSO4 to CuSO4·5H2O is:
(a) –18.69 kcal
(b) 13.09 kcal
(c) –13.09 kcal
(d) 18.69 kcal

Dear student,

solH1 = -15.89 k cal mol-1

solH2 = 2.80 k cal mol-1

= -15.89 - (2.80)
= -18.69 k cal
The correct option is (a)


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