Solve all question.

Solve all question. 63. 49 0) '2, '21, 09 ratio (he qu.ntity heads, 40 (2) 40 SO 24 litres (S) 99 kg. 60 ( 8) kg Rcema has 24 notebooks and I S buryk'_ find the cricket players and 20 kho—kho players are training a o' aickel players JO the number Of players? _ has a red ribbon that is BO Cm long and a blue 2.20 m rhe ratio Of the length Of the red ribbon to that Oi the blue Shubham•s age today is 12 years and his father's is 42 Shuham's younger than his father by 6 years. Find the following tubes. (J) Ratio of Shubham•s age today to his mother's age •,odsy. (2) Ratio of Shubham's mother's age today to his father's age (3) The ratio of Shubham's age to his mother's age when Shuhhåm was

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question 3 
cost of a book  24 
cost of a notebook 18
ratio of nuber of notebooks to number of books = 18/24

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