solve (cosec theta-sin theta)(sec theta - cos theta) = 1tan theta + cot theta


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Consider the LHS,

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 i just want ur help sir i would find some derivate of trigonometry formula so plz help me the question is

  1. tan  theta +cot theta =sec theta * cosec theta
  2. 1+cot^2 theta by sec theta =cosecc theta * cot theta
  3. tan ^2 theta +2 by 1+tan ^2 theta =1+cos ^2 theta
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Solve 2dinA-=0.Hence prove that sin(2a)=2sinacosa
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tnx it helped a lot
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Q. If 7sin^2A+3sin^2A=4; rhen show that tanA=1/√3. HERE IS THE ANSWER:-
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following frequency distribution shows the age of 60 girls at a time of the marriage in a city if mode age of the data is 24 years find the missing frequency X and Y
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