Solve & explain briefly

Solve & explain briefly The genome of onion has 8 chromosomes (n=8). In a root tip cell undergoing anaphase the number of chromosomes will be 2 (4) Indeterminate

Dear student

Please refer the solution below for the said query

The correct option is (3).

The main plant body of onion is diploid (2n). Since, n = 8, therefore 2n= 16. This means that normal root tip cell will have 2n equal to16 chromosomes.
Now during cell division of root tip cell, the DNA doubles in S phase of interphase of cell cycle. The interphase is followed by mitotic phase that occurs in two stages karyokinesis (involving four stages-prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase) and finally cytokinesis. During anaphase of karyokinesis, the parent chromosomes and newly formed chromosomes (synthesised during S phase) separate and cell will have 32 chromosomes at this stage. Such that after completion of cell division (cytokinesis) each daughter cell will receive equal number of chromosomes to that of parent cell (here 16 chromosomes each). Hence, at anaphase cell will have 32 chromosomes. 

Hope this information clears your doubt about the topic.


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