Solve q 3

Solve q 3 „•..rpnal 25 crore? Calculate Ose tn narwnal Income SOO crorei t s Assume that marginal to con3ume 06 '"crease 'n .nvestment 400 crore) jmestment bv 400 crore leads to .ncreas.e rn ttrge CakEJ„ate propensity to consume tn Investment by 500 crore leads to increase gn tncome by crore propensity to consume and change sav,ng WPC 0.8: Change in saving crore! Government Budget and The Economy expenditure of a government budget 75,011 crore and rece•vts •s crore_ much budget ? Budget denot = 30020 crore) Calculate Budgetary Deficit from following data: (i) Revenue expenditure iii) Capital expenditure Revenue receipts (W) Capital recepts Budgetary deficit = 15,000 crorel Find Fiscal Deficit from the information given bebw: items (i) Borrowing by the government (ii) Revenue receipts (iii) Capital receipts (iv) Interest payment Fiscal deficit 600 lakhl Find Primary Deficit from the following data: (i) Fiscal deficit (ii) Interest payment by the government [Ans. primary deficit 8.1m crorel 30 7S0 9.000 In a primary de6Cit is 10.000 and interest payment is 8,000 crore. How much is the fiscal deficit ? IArw Fiscal deficit 18,000 crore) Balance of Payments shows a deficit of 4M)O crore and the value of imports are 10,0u) crore. What is the 2019-3-9 19:10

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