Solve Q3&4 plwase

Solve Q3&4 plwase l. SimpliiS 11. 12 3 3 147 . 3 2. Expæss whetv x. 3. If 3•2.S.3 as a fraction in the form y e I and y (i. . find the value of y 4. Prove that numtx•rs. and 3€5 are . find the value of • irrational 1 . Ænterest Compc ithout es of tl cula mulal vear and imests it p.a. compound lount ot tus

This is your 3rd question 's answer in pic.

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4:(2) Answer=
If possible let 3?5 is rational and can be expressed in the form p/q and co-prime
3?5 =p/q
(3?5)^2 = (p/q)^2
15q^2=p^2. ......(1)
Therefore ,15 is factor of p^2
Also, 15 is factor of p .
Let , p= 15m
From eq ( 1)
15q^2 = ( 15m)^2
q^2 = 15m^2
Therefore , 15 is factor of q^2
also, 15 is factor of q .
This contradict our accumption that 3?5 is rational .
Therefore , 3?5 is irrational

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