Solve qno 12

Solve qno 12 through which Hitesh can to nts of his for each of the suggested source of Why are enterprises are superior to busir•s ancestral in Shima converts it into a lodge with renovation. The re•.eru.e supplement his incorne substantiary. On hS death (b*) is b' his three sons in order of their age narrety. Lakshay. LCA the business under the form of Joint Hö±u Fan* Bust—s In context of the above case a) law which governs Jout b) amongst the three b business? C) Lvon tr. of the of profit in

Dear Student

12)  a) Hindu law governs the Joint Hindu Family Business
b)  The business should be controlled by the eldest member of the family and hence, Lakshay has to exercise control over the family business
c)  The liability of three brothers are limited whereas the eldest member has unlimited liability over the business

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