Solve these problem

Solve these problem Write the correct order of acidity : COOH CH/ OOH COOH CH2 COOH COOH CH2 (R) COOH (S) 7. Which of the following has the most acidic hydrogen? 3) HO 2) HO 4) HO

Dear Student,

6. Carboxylic acids are acidic in nature due to resonance stabilisation of carboxylate ion and hydrogen of -COOH, which is found to be capable of ionisation. As we know, oxalic acid easily releases its H atom to form CH3COO- ion whereas formic acid needs more energy. Hence, Strength of oxalic acid is more than formic acid. So Oxalic acid (COOH-COOH) is more acidic than formic acid (HCOOH).  Malonic acid, (HOOC - CH2 - COOH) is less acidic than oxalic acid  because of intervening presence of -CH2- group and succinic acid (HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH) which is much weaker  than HOOC - CH2 - COOH , Malonic acid due to greater distance created by -CH2- group.

Hence, the order of acidity will be  COOH-COOH > HCOOH > HOOC - CH2 - COOH > HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH 

or    Q>P>R>S

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