Solve this :

4.   Choose the correct verb forms from the brackets to fill in the blanks. The first one is done.

A.  He  _saw__  a suspicious-looking man in the street. (see /saw /seen)
B.  This chair was ___by a man I know.  (wove, weaved, woven)
C.  She ____ something every day. (cooks, cooked, cooken)
D.  The poor cat was _____ by a mean boy. (kicks, kick, kicked)
E.  She ____ cakes that sell hot in the market. (bakes, baked, baken)
F.  The book is ____by an Indian dancer.  (writes, wrote, written )
G.  He ____ the child gently on the bed.  (lay, laid, lie )
H.  The ____ vase could bot be fixed.  (break, broke, broken )
I.  The little girl ____ in this corner of the class.  (sit, sits, sitted )
J.  An orange-coloured frog _____ around this pond every day.  (hop, hops, hopped )

B. Woven
C. Cooks
D. Kicked
E. Bakes
F. Written
G. Laid
H. Broken
I. Sits
J. Hops

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