Solve this :

5)  The ratio of green beads in 7 : 8. Find the number of green beads, when there are 120 red beads ? 

@Nidhi Khadye: Correct answer. Keep it up.
Dear Student,
Above is one way to solve this query. Here is the other one.
Number of green beadsNumber ofred beads=78Number of green beads120=78Number of green beads=78×120=105

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No.of red beads        : 120
Ratio of green is to red beads    : 7:8
 8 is the ratio of the number of red beads
120 divided by 8 is 15.
15 is one part
15 multiplied by 7= the number of green beads
Therefore the no.of green beads is 105
  • 0
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