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Solve this J. Locate the rivers of India on map of India History: i. Summarise the chapter " Constitutional Design" answer the given questions. (a) What is costitution? Explain. (b) Why we need a constitution in Democracv? (c) Write about the constitution Of South Africa and write abiut the role of Nelson Mandela behind the strgeule of South Africa. (d) What is constitutent assembly?Name the prominent members of contituent assembly. (e) What is Preamble? What is its importance? (f) Why Indian constitution is called rigid and flexible ? (g) Why Indian constitution is called borrowing bag* (h) How many fundamental Rights are there in our constitution? Explain. (i) Why the fundamental duties are necessary for the smooth functioning of government? (j) What are directive principles of state policy and what is its importance? 2. Disaster Management:-

There are too many questions here. I am answering the first one. Ask the rest separately.

1 (a): Constitution is the basic law of a country which defines the way the country is to be governed and establishes the relationship between citizens and the state.

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