Solve this:
Q.58. In a 0.25 L tube dissociation of 4 mol of NO is take place. If its degree of dissociation is 10 %. The value of K P for reaction 2 N O N 2 + O 2 is :-
(1) 1 18 2
(2) 1 8 2
(3) 1 16
(4) 1 32

Dear Student,

                      NO                      12N2         +       12O2Initial              40.25                          0                         0                At equil.      40.25(1-α)            4α2×0.25             4α2×0.25       Kc = [O2]12[N2]12      [NO]It is given that, α = 0.10So, [O2]=[N2] = 4×0.102×0.25=45 [NO]=40.25(1-0.10)  =4×0.900.25=725  So, Kc =(45)12(45)12(725)=472=118Now, Kp = Kc(RT)nFor the given reaction, n=0So, Kp=Kc =118There seems to be some problem in the options given, it should be A but instead of (18)2 it should be 18.   

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