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Q. ​Which of the following is the correct match the female external genitalia and their functions? 
(1) Mons pubis  Cushion of tatty tissue covered by skin and pubic hair arc surround the vaginal Orifice
(2) Labia   Fleshy folds of tissue Which extend down from the mons pubis and surround the vaginal opening 
(3) Laba minora   Paired folds of tissue under the labia majora homologous to scrotum in males 
(4) Clitoris  A tiny finger like structure which lies at the upper junction of the two labia minora above the urethral opening. It is analogous to penis in males.

4th is correct . All other options are wrong because- in 3rd option labia majora is homologous to scrotum and not labia minora in 1st option mons pubic is present above the clitoris and it does not surround urethral or vaginal orific. In the second option labia majora does not surround vaginal orific it surrounds both vaginal and urethral orific . Labia majora are 2 fleshy lobes which have sebaceous and sudorific glands.

  • 2
all 4 are correct i guess
  • -1
Option 4 should be most appropriate
  • 2
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