.Solve this:
The electronic configuration of central atom of complex [ MnO4]2- is
1. t2 1e0
​2. t2 0e0
3. e0t2 0
​4. e1t2 0

Option d 
  • -8
D option

  • 1
To all those who are having problem in above question
              find the solution given below useful

 Mn has oxidation state (OS) of  +6 which keeps only one electron in the 3d orbital. Now 3d with one electron has lower energy than empty 4p, so filling of 3d will take place than 4p, resulting in sd3 hybridisation (and not sp3) i.e tetrahedral geometry.

Hope all your queries get cleared after referring the above solution


  • 2
Hi, these type of questions are the easiest once you know how to do them, let me help you.

The first thing you will be seeing is the oxidation state. The oxidation state is the number of electrons lost, which comes with a plus sign on top.

In this case, MN has a +6 oxidation state.

Add the oxidation state to the original proton numbers and this gives you the following electronic configuration:


So  the correct option is D

Thank you. 
  • 1
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