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Solve this: Draw a labelled diagram showing mechanism of DNA ceplication. i March 2008) ofsomatic hybrids. t What is biopiracy ? Give any two exaniples. Oct. Give an account of double helical mod cf DNA. (Oct.'209Sj Sketch and label the diagram of In-RNA. C, Describe the process of rcplication in 21kar,'0tic DNA. Describe Watson and Crick model of LJNA. t Oct. Write a note on Biopatent. 2010, Oct. Describe the technique of developing trensgenic plants with suitable example. (March 2010) Describe the structure and replication or eukaryotic DNA. I Describe the structure of DNĂ…. Add a note on its replication. 2012) Describe the chemical components of e nucleotide. (Oei. 201 ! J Sketch and label hair-pin model of t-RNA. 2012, Valat will be the length of eukaryotic DNA segment having 10 pairs cf nucleotides? (Mare/' 2013)

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Draw a labelled diagram showing machanism of DNA replication
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Give an account of double helical model of DNA
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