Solve this:

Dear Student ,
Please find below the solution to the asked query :

LMO=12 LMN    Since MO is the bisector of LMN LMO=12×54°=27°OMN=12 LMN    Since MO is the bisector of LMN OMN=12×54°=27°MLN+NLP=180°    Linear PairMLN+120°=180°MLN=60°LNM+MLN+LMN=180°    Angle Sum PropertyLNM+60°+54°=180°LNM=180°-114°LNM=66°ONM=12 LNM     Since NO is the bisector of LNM ONM=12×66°=33°OMN+ONM+MON=180°    Angle Sum Property27°+33°+MON=180°MON=180°-60°MON=120°
Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic .
If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible .


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anglelmo=27bisected and angleomn=27anda anglemon=70
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