Solve this

Solve this n 11:36 am ESPEE GLOBAL Summer Holiday Homework (G8) SCHOOL ENGLISH I. What are the pans of speech? Name them. 2. Circle the subject pronoun in each Sentence below. a. I think that we are ready for the game. b. We are going to the football game this weekend. c. He is a bright young man. d. It is one of the best moues I have seen. e. Tell her that She must arrive on time. the Object in each f, Can make Sure they on time? g. ne funny thing is that he doesrfi understand. h. Please take them to the park. i. I can tell that she really works hard in school. j. We had to explain everything to make them understand the situation. 3. Identify the phras« in the following sentences and state their kind. a. He Was a man Of great wealth. b. principal Was an Old man Of friendly disryjsition_ C. He replied in a Very rude d, The Crazy brown dog Went through the mud. e, He wore a turban made Of gold. 4. Find Out the meaning the given a. Drive up the wall. b. Icing on the cake. c. Crack a book. d. Bone Of contention. e. Once in a blue I. Create a database named •ourism" using MS Access. The database should have a table named wrourists_DetaiIs", which contains the following: Add 5 -fields to the table.

Dear student,

A category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic functions is called its part of speech. the main parts of speech is English are:
  • noun 
  • pronoun
  • adjective
  • verb
  • adverb
  • preposition
  • conjunction
  • interjection
For getting more assistance on the remaining queries we would request you to kindly ask only one single query in each thread.

  • 1
  • noun 
  • pronoun
  • adjective
  • verb
  • adverb
  • preposition
  • conjunction
  • interjection
  • 1
4.a.To annoy or frustrate one to the point of  exasperation. extra enhancement a book
​ unresolved problem, dispute or disagreement
  e.occasionally; very rarely
  • 0
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