Solve this:

Solve this: Change n b. Ami with day c 'his Slid d. Susan Rama, pmne.' the day . said • g. • said Rita'S to h. The teacher requested parents to insi& tte take (direct i. Ait advised Rita to consult an oßician regarding her eye prcOIe•ms. EXCLAMA SENTACES AND WISHES Exclama tory «ttetces and can be changed from direct speech to by following these rules: Thl . ,

Dear Student,

b) Disha said to Amina, “Please have dinner with me tomorrow.”
c) The boss ordered the secretary to sort all the incoming letters by that afternoon.
d) Susan reminded Rama to recharge her mobile phone.
e) My mother said to me, “Remind me about the parent-teacher meeting scheduled for tomorrow.”
f) I requested Suman to pass me the salt.
g) Rita’s sister asked her to complete her homework first.
h) The teacher said to the parents, “Please come inside the room and take your seats.”
i) Ajit told Rita, “You should consult an optician regarding your eye problems.”   

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