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Solve this: required to attend the meeting. the Great marched into India with a large army. 4 'o.tered in the corridor oi the school. the path, lav a huge pvthon. was a Greek philosopher who died in rhridren. happv to be allowed into the garden, danced the subject of a sentence can consist of more than one • are jogging in the park. • magazines and newspapers are sold here. the subject mav consist of several words, but there whet h is more important than the other words. This is The subject-word is always a noun, or a group ci •.entet the Murk Oi a noun. qualified by a words that adjective. This phrase is called • warm wedther will not last. in woods belongs to The predicate. like the subject, may also consist of several words. When the predicate consists Ot a Singe word. it is always a verb. For exam*, Dogs bark. Bees sting that underlined are the subject-words and the words are the attributes. ld@fifify 'he gubject-word and the attribute in each of these of the has resigned. pctor.

Dear Student,

of the football team-attribute

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