Solve this:

Solve this: do that a at that It may not at tf a its said to moving But when do we say changing its v»sition• A placed on the table remains on the table and that at rest. Hcm•ever. if we station ourselves the I the missions have made it possible). the whole earth is found to be clunging its position room. the table and are all continuousb changing their positiot•. The is at rest viewed from the ruim. it is moving if it is viewed from •on is a combined of the object unde kudy and the There is no meaning of re or motion without the viewer _ Nothing is in absolu:• rest or in absolute motion. The moon is moving respect to the book and the book moves with respe to the moon. Take another example. A robber ente a train moving at great speed with respect to ground, brings out his pistd and says "Don't mo still. The passeng stand still". The passengers are at rest with respect to but are mm with to the ran track.

Dear Student,

in this paragraph the HCV sir wants to tell that their is no state of rest and motion .every motion and rest is a relative thing.if you define a motion first you have to define the observer frame of reference . let suppose the train is moving on earth. and the observer A is on the earth . then he will say the train is moving wrt earth . so earth is the frame of reference of the observer. lets the observer B inside the train will say train is always in rest because his frame of reference is train only . so the motion is the relative thing if their is mi=otion for someone else then it is not necessary that it for some other also . all depends upon the frame of reference.

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