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Solve this: TION KINEMATICS hen t is t is not ble at particle with respect to that frame. Add a into the frame of reference to measure the time. If all the coordinates x, y and of the parucle remain unchanged as time passes. we that the particle •s at rest with respect to this frame. If amv one coordinates change with time. we that the es moving with respect to this frame. ere is no rule or restriction on the choice of a e can choose a frame Of refetynee according to our convenience to describe the situation under study. Thus, when we are in a train it is to choose a frame attached to our compartment. •the coordinates of a suitcase placed on the upper berth do not change with time (unless the train gives a jerk) and we say that the suitcase is at rest in the train- frame. The diflörent stations, electric poles. etc, change their coordinates and we that they are moving in the train-frame. Thus, We th t is ing" and "Pune has alreacw passed'. n the following sections we shall assume that the frame of reference is already chosen and are describing the motion of the in the chosen frame. Sometimes the choice Of the frame Clear from the context and we do not mention it, 'Ntus, when one says the ear is travelling and the rick*hnw is not. it is Clear that all positions are measured from a attached to the road.

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