
x/x-1 + x-1/x =4

Dear Student!


@navin saxena.del : Good Effort! Keep Posting!



  • -2
  1. 1,-2
  • 1

'1; can not be the answer as it makes x/x-1 not defined. i am sending the solution separately

  • 4

let (x-1)/x = y, so x/(x-1) = 1/y, so eqn converts to ,

y + 1/y = 4,  or y2 -4y +1 =0, or (y-2)2 -3 =0 => y-2 =sq root of 3  or - sq root of 3, so y = 2+sq root of 3, or 2 - sq root of 3

now put these value of y  = x-1 /x and get valueof x

  • 2


  • -2
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