Speech on topic"having 1 real friend is better than thousand vritual friends"

Not everything in life is going to be perfect. There are hard obstacles you must go through that most of the time are unavoidable. It could be as little as getting up and ready at seven AM for school, or it could be getting to an important interview on time during rush hour. The biggest challenge you first face in your life in high school. Suddenly all the games and relaxing turns into homework and deadlines, drama and bullying, and responsibilities, and you don’t know what to think! Having friends by your side will help dealing with stress and other problems in your life easier. It is someone you can go to, to lean on for support. The best solution would to be to find your closest friends. Not just any friends, but the ones who will always be there for you through thick and thin, won’t judge how you dress or act in public, and always has an arm open to help you cope through the tough obstacles in life. Because of my best friend, and how we turned out in the long run, I believe having one true friend is better than having a million fake ones. An example would be, starting your day waking up and arriving to school late, forgetting your homework, and losing your cell phone. It already seems like the start of a terrible day right? During lunch you decide to talk to your friends about it and ask for help, all they do is laugh at you. Right there, you know they aren’t your true friends and don’t care about weather you find your phone or get your homework done. When your best bud from middle school comes up, gives you the assignment number, and promises to help you find your phone after school, you know he/ she is your true best friend. Surrounding yourself with many people who may not even like you as much as you think will only cause more drama and stress in your life. Sure it may make you look more popular, but wouldn’t you rather have friends who actually care about you and don’t go behind your back just to be even more popular? In high school now, I’m not friends with every person in my grade. I only have a handful of close friends that I hang out with. That doesn’t mean I never talk to the other people in my grade, It just means I know the people who know me, and not just my name. By doing this, it helped me become more independent and responsible of myself and my future. Another big plus of having few friends would be not having to deal with as much peer pressure. Peer Pressure is everywhere in high school. If it be about any decision, or even drugs, the social groups will try to make you do anything that will make you seem more “popular”. The most important thing would have to be the effect this friend has on you. Being close to your positive friends can help with many of the difficult issues in life, but if your friends have a negative approach, it could worsen the issue. Trust me, having that one true friend will make your life so much easier and enjoyable. It can even help diminish stress and negative attitudes towards others and yourself!

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