Starting from rest,A flat car is given a constant acceleration a0=2m/s^2.A cable is connected to create A of mass 50 kg as shown.Neglect the friction between car and floor of the car is Nu=0.3.The tension in the cable is
(a) 700 N (b) 350 N (c) 175 N (d) 0

Correct option B.       
M = 50 kg.
µ = 0.3
a0 = 2 ms-2
The block and the flat car comprise a mechanical system. Thus, the block moves forward with an acceleration a = a0.
Let the frictional force = f.
Since the system is non-inertial; a pseudo force will act on the block on the opposite side.
T – f – ma0 = ma
=> T – µmg – ma0 = ma0
=> T – 0.3×50×10 = 2×50×2
=> T = 200 + 150 = 350 N
Thus, tension in the rope is 350 N. 

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