state 3 limitations faced in dealing with infectious diseases

Limitations are:-1. Once person has a infectious disease, his/her body functions are damaged and may never recover completely.2. This treatment will take time, so someone suffering from a disease is likely to be bedridden for some time.3. Person suffering from an infectious disease may spread this infection to other people.


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A person while dealing with a infectious/communicable disease has to deal withthe following limitations: 1. The patients body functions are completely damaged and may never recover completely. 2. The patient has to be bed ridden since the treatment takes time. 3. The patient has to stay away from other healthy people because his disease may spread to them.
  • 17
Limitations are:-1. Once person has a infectious disease, his/her body functions are damaged and may never recover completely.2. This treatment will take time, so someone suffering from a disease is likely to be bedridden for some time.3. Person suffering from an infectious disease may spread this infection to other people. PLZ... THUMBS UP
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