State ohms law. Three student X,Y and Z while performing the experiment to study the dependence of current on the potential difference across a resistor, connects the ammeter(A),the battery(B),the key(K)and the resister (R) in series in the following three different orders.
Y-? B,A,K,R ;
Z-?B,R,K,A,. who has connected them in the correct order?

Dear Student,
Ohm’s Law: If the physical conditions such as temperature, pressure, mechanical strain, etc., remain the same, the current (I) flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (V) across the conductor. Mathematically,
I ∝V     or       V∝ I     or      V=IR     or    R=V/I
The proportionality constant R is called the resistance offered by the conductor to the flow of electric current. If a graph is plotted between the current (I) flows through the conductor and the applied potential difference (V) between its ends, it will be a straight line as shown.
The graph shows that the current through conductor increases linearly as the potential difference across it increases.

Y has connected in correct order.

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